Dessinée par Tobia Scarpa et éditée par la maison Tacchini, T-Table allie simplicité et élégance avec un astucieux lien en forme de T, assurant une stabilité maximale. Le design essentiel de la T-Table s'adapte harmonieusement à tout style d'intérieur et se marie avec divers sièges. Cette table incarne la parfaite union entre la sobriété des projets passés et les besoins du monde contemporain, témoignant du succès de la collaboration artistique entre Tobia Scarpa et Tacchini.
Tacchini is an Italian designer furniture brand created in 1967 by Antonio Tacchini, at a time when Italian design was disrupting global design. It went on to become the leading institution in terms of quality and creativity. The strength of its concept is found at every step of Tacchini Italia's creative process. The brand goes so far as to explain this in their own words: "from the abstraction of thought to the three-dimensional nature of the object, to embody the essence of the home." A family business passed down the generations, Tacchini Italia is constantly progressing; it ensures ties with contemporary style, enhanced by the choice of high-quality materials and ever-improving technologies.